Data Synchronisation: Definition and Importance Benefits

November 26, 2020

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Regardless of the type of discomfort, procrastination is your brain’s way of telling you there’s something missing - something you need in order to complete the task.

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Some description about the card goes here. It could be a brief overview.

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Identifying the type of discomfort you’re experiencing often reveals a way to address it, and in so doing, remove your desire to keep putting the task off. ( Thanks, procrastination! )

What is Data Synchronisation?

Data synchronisation is the effort to ensure that, once data leaves a system or storage entity, it does not fall out of harmony with its source, thereby creating inconsistency in the data record. Often, we might modify and update the data after it has been entered into the system. It is important that when we make such changes, all the alterations reflect in all the systems in the same way and there are no discrepancies, in order to avoid any errors. Data synchronisation provides a means of creating harmony and consistency among all the systems that have access to data.

Data conflicts can result in errors and low data quality, which consequently leads to a lack of trusted data down the line. With data synchronisation properly implemented throughout a system, a business will see performance improvement in many areas, including:

  • Logistics and transportation
  • Sales team productivity
  • Order management
  • Invoice accuracy
  • Business systems
  • Cost efficiency
  • Reputation management

Data accessibility and error resolution afford time savings, allowing emphasis to be put on important business development processes like marketing, new product development, and strategic decision-making. Virtually everyone benefits from clean, synced data.

  • Customers receive product information and service that meets their specific needs
  • Business users can interact with all department members using up-to-date information, in real-time, even globally
  • Executives receive the latest data when making important strategy decisions
  • Stockholders can easily stay on top of their business interests
  • Manufacturers access the most recent updates or changes for accurate design and production
  • Distributors have access to the most recent product and marketing information

Benefits of Data Synchronisation

·       Data availability

One of the key benefits of a data synchronization system is that data is made available locally, rather than through potentially expensive, less reliable, and slow connections to a single central database. Data is accessible locally even in the absence of any connection to a central database, so you are not cut off from data in the event of a failure of a network connection.

·       Response time

Synchronization improves response times for data requests for two reasons. Retrieval rates are faster because requests are processed on a local server, without accessing a wide area network. Also, local processing offloads work from a central database server so that competition for processor time is decreased.

TallyPrime has a robust mechanism to synchronise Master data, removing the need for convoluted approaches, giving both higher reliability, as well as allowing new forms of control architectures (example, allowing for a central system to ‘create and modify masters’, while the local systems are only allowed to enter transactions). You can share data between two or more instances of using a client–server environment using data synchronisation. Data synchronisation can be initiated from the client to the server or vice versa, depending on your user-defined configurations. Know about features of TallyPrime.

The concept of ‘On Demand Synchronisation’ – where systems actually align to a Tally.NET Synchronization Service, allowing each system to independently complete their work without needing to be ‘connected to each other live’.  It has immediate benefits of removing the ‘manual’ coordination between two end-points before data is exchanged – which is a current typical behaviour. It immediately increases the scale of ‘simultaneous uploads’ from ‘multiple points’ – as each system is now independently operating without clashing with another.

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