/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Generate smart, and professional looking bills and invoices with TallyPrime! Packed with features and so flexible, that it moulds with your business style and generates accurate invoices for better business management.
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Billing/invoicing is a crucial process for a business. Only with proper recording and tracking of invoices, can a business owner manage their inventory and sales in the best possible way. Here are some of the most crucial features a billing and invoicing software must have:
The saying, ‘One size doesn’t fit all’, applies the best when it comes to businesses. Based on the type of business you run, you need a flexible billing solution that would cater to your needs. TallyPrime lets you use the module based on your requirements and usability. If you are in a business that involves inventories, you can use “Item Invoice”. You can choose “Accounting Invoice” to record your service invoices, this is useful for service businesses as well. Just in case you are accustomed to “Dr Cr” way of recording invoice, you can choose “Voucher mode”.
Business transactions are mostly not confined to dealing with only local parties. Many Organizations have transactions in more than one currency for which foreign currency accounting is required. With TallyPrime, you can record invoice, quotation, orders, accept payments and receive bills in foreign currency. The gains or losses in Forex that occur due to daily variations in currency rates are auto calculated and can be adjusted by simply recording a journal entry.
Exemptions can occur at any given point in a business. In such scenarios, your billing and invoicing software must allow you to manage these exceptions in the rightful manner. In TallyPrime, ‘More details’ feature lets you capture occasional details that come with dealing with a particular supplier or customer or a particular transaction type, without disturbing the flow that you are most used to. Let’s say, occasionally you deal with exports or consignor-consignee type of transitions that requires you to mention the additional details. You can simply use ‘More details’ to capture it. This way, you will be able to capture occasional details without disturbing the regular flow of data entry.
Multitasking is key for any business’ sound management. TallyPrime, allows you to multitask seamlessly and toggle between various reports and handle the day-to-day interruptions. Let’s say, you are in the middle of the sales invoice but want to record another new sale or any other voucher. You are the middle of making sales invoice but got a call from a customer inquiring about the stock position or pending order? There is an immediate need to print another report being in middle voucher entry. With TallyPrime’s ‘Go To’, you will be able to handle many such situations without the hassle of switching between multiple instances of Tally or the worry of losing your train of thought.
Invoice personalisation is crucial for businesses as capturing certain important details as per the buyer is imperative. With a host of invoice configurations and options in TallyPrime, you can personalize the invoice according to your preference. You can configure your invoice with additional options such as discount column, actual and billed qty. etc, to meet your business requirements. Not just that, you can personalize your invoice with logo and other details as it suits you. Thus, making it even more customized to your business.
Want to know the best billing and invoicing module for your business? Click here
Automating your billing and invoice with the help of a software will give you several benefits. You can:
Every business involves sales of goods or services. The sales transactions in your business may be a simple cash sales, or even sales on credit. For each sales transaction, you will need to keep a record of the items that you sold, the payment that you received, goods returned, and so on. The bill also serves as a proof of the purchase made by the buyer. Using TallyPrime, you can do all of these and more.
TallyPrime’s billing and invoicing capability allows you to customise your purchase and sales management based on your business needs. You can also choose a suitable invoice/billing format according to the products/services your business deals with for faster generation. Amazed? Take a free trial today and find out how TallyPrime is the best billing and invoicing software in Bangladesh.
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