/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
The key activity in the process of KRA return filing is to complete the KRA iTax payment. The KRA iTax payment process is designed to be efficient, effective and more importantly very convenient for remitting the domestic tax payments.
In order to make the iTax payment easier for taxpayers, the authority has built the payment gateway in collaboration with commercial banks and the KRA. Initially, 27 commercial banks were partnered to facilitate the iTax payment and today, it supports most of the popular banks. Taxpayers can make KRA iTax payment electronically or through cash.
Yet to file KRA iTax Returns? Read our article ‘How to File KRA iTax Returns in Kenya’ to know the detailed steps.
Making KRA iTax Payment is easy and it only requires you to follow few steps to complete the iTax payment. The following are steps to complete your KRA iTax payment:
Once the KRA iTax payment is complete, you can verify it by checking your general ledger report in iTax portal.
KRA iTax portal supports 8 different types of returns. Read to our article ‘KRA iTAx Tax Returns’ to know more
Now that you know the KRA iTax payment process, we are sure, you might be having few doubts or questions related iTax payment. The following are the FAQs on KAR iTax payment to clear all the doubts or question which you might have.
Yes, you can. Payments of taxes and filing returns have been delinked. However, any return that does not have a matching payment will automatically attract penalty and interests.
The taxpayer will first generate a payment registration number (PRN) on their iTax profile. The printed PRN will then be taken to the bank together with the mode of payment (Cash, Cheque or RTGS). This is discussed in the above section ‘Steps to make KAR iTax Payment’
Payment Registration Number or PRN replaces the manual tax payment stationeries such as P11 and VAT3. PRN is generated electronically and is barcoded with a unique serial number for every transaction. The PRN must be quoted when making payments to allow taxpayer ledger to be updated. PRN will expire in 7 days if not utilized.
On the taxpayer’s profile, go to Payments tab then register payment. Fill in the electronic form first by selecting the tax head. Once all the mandatory fields (marked with red stars) have been filled, submit the form to generate PRN. This is discussed in the above section ‘Steps to make KAR iTax Payment’
Yes, if your bank has an agreement with KRA.
This mainly happens if payments are outside iTax platform i.e. without generating a PRN or not quoting the PRN when executing the payment. The taxpayer should provide the payment documents to KRA for back-office reconciliation.
To make a WHT payment you need to click on the payment registration -> select income tax on the tax head -> select WHT and generate a payment slip by adding the taxpayers that you have withheld their payment.
To make a payment on agency revenue click on the payment registration -> In tax head, select agency revenue and generate a payment slip by selecting the agency revenue you want to pay i.e. land rates, stamp duty, sugar development levy, KEBS
KRA does not maintain the ledgers they are usually maintained by the Principal bodies e.g. KEBS, Ministry of Lands, Kenya Sugar board etc.
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