/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
In our previous article 'VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia', we have learnt about Tax Invoice, the essential document to be issued for all taxable supplies of goods or services. We have also learnt the scenarios in which a tax invoice should be issued and the details that are required to be mentioned in a tax invoice. The Saudi VAT Law allows for the issue of a simplified version of a Tax Invoice, in certain cases. Let us understand more about simplified tax invoices under VAT in Saudi Arabia.
A simplified tax invoice is a simplified version of a tax invoice, in which fewer details are required to be mentioned, as compared to a tax invoice.
A simplified tax invoice can be issued by a registered person for supplies of goods or services for value less than SAR 1,000. However, a simplified tax invoice cannot be issued in the following cases:
In the above 2 cases, even if the value of the supply is less than SAR 1,000, the registered supplier has to issue a tax invoice.
A simplified tax invoice should mandatorily show the following details:
Let us see a sample format of a simplified tax invoice under VAT in Saudi Arabia.
Ali Fahad Apparel, a registered dealer in KSA, supplies 10 women’s jeans to an unregistered customer, Jabar Clothes, in KSA. The value of the jeans supplied does not exceed SAR 1,000. Hence, Ali Fahad Apparel issues a simplified tax invoice to Jabar Clothes, as shown below:
A simplified tax invoice, as you can observe, requires fewer details to be mentioned, as compared to a tax invoice. A tax invoice requires certain additional details of the supply to be mentioned, as detailed in our article 'VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia'. A notable difference between a tax invoice and a simplified tax invoice is that the recipient’s name, address or Tax Identification Number are not required to be mentioned.
A simplified tax invoice is largely useful for persons who supply to consumers or unregistered customers, who are not eligible for input tax recovery. Since a simplified tax invoice does not mention the recipient’s details, it cannot be used by a registered recipient to recover input tax on a supply. Hence, registered persons purchasing goods or services from registered suppliers should insist on receiving a tax invoice for the supply, as the tax invoice serves as the valid document on the basis of which input tax can be recovered.
In conclusion, a simplified tax invoice makes the task of invoicing easy for businesses whose value of supplies do not exceed SAR 1,000.
Read more on Saudi Arabia VAT
Introduction to VAT in Saudi Arabia, Saudi VAT Return Format, What is Time of Supply under VAT Saudi Arabia, Taxable Supplies under VAT in Saudi Arabia, VAT rates in Saudi Arabia, Zero-Rated Supplies under VAT in Saudi Arabia, Difference between zero rated & exempt VAT in Saudi Arabia, VAT Exempt Supplies/Items in Saudi Arabia
VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia, VAT invoice format in Saudi Arabia, Types of invoices under VAT in Saudi Arabia, Checklist for VAT invoice in Saudi Arabia, Your Ready Reckoner for VAT Invoice in Saudi Arabia
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