/** * The main template file * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/ * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Tally * @since 1.0.0 */ ?>
Business data when fetched into the system, forever runs a risk of getting corrupted or leaked. Data security has been a major concern to all business owners, and that is one of the main reasons why several entrepreneurs are hesitating to automate various crucial business processes. The confidentiality of sensitive information is major criteria while choosing a business management software.
To secure your business data, TallyPrime offers a variety of security features. TallyPrime comes with multiple levels of user and feature-based security levels to ensure that access to your data is restricted based on your preferences. An additional layer of security called TallyVault ensures encryption which no one in the world can break, not even us at Tally. Tally offers a comprehensive security framework for authentication, authorisation, integrity, and confidentiality of user data.
Some highlights of the security framework are described below:
Any business owner absolutely abhors complications. No one likes to have layers of processes to manage their everyday tasks. So, to get you a software, that not only automates your business in the simplest way possible, but also with complete security to your crucial financial data, TallyPrime’s single sign on feature helps you access information across various companies using the same credentials. For example, in case a business is maintaining multiple companies, and all the companies have the same username and password, a user need not provide the credentials while loading every company. When the first company is loaded, you will be asked to enter the valid username and password. And that’s it! From here you are free to access all the other companies which have the same access. This feature helps a great deal when usernames and passwords are lengthier and you have multiple companies to work on, simultaneously.
You can password protect your company data, define security levels for different users and do much more with the security feature in TallyPrime. The administrator can give different permissions to different kind of users based on the company's requirement. For example: As an admin, you have given some security access to a user. Now to check if the right access is given to the user, you would earlier have to close the company, reopen and login as a user to verify the access rights provided. Now with TallyPrime, you need not close the company, but by the change user option, you can simply give the credentials of a different user, and company rights will be changed as per the new users logged in.
Another use case for the same could be, while passing a voucher, you may suddenly remember to create a new stock item for which you don’t have the access. With the ‘Switch User’ feature, you can ask someone with access to login using their credentials and create a stock item for you. However, in this case, you will have to quit the voucher screen and the admin has to login with their credentials.
With remote working and virtualisation taking over the world, it’s important that your business software lets you access your crucial business data, anywhere, anytime. However, the security of accessing this data is always at risk, and we understand that. Thus, TallyPrime gives you the ability to view business reports from the comfort of a web browser, wherever you are with the promise that your data will always rest with you. Moreover, the licensing framework is such that it supports anytime access of the application up to a certain number of remote users through virtualization technologies like RDP, RDS etc. so your business can run non-stop.
Since TallyPrime is designed to give you a seamless experience in the simplest way, when it comes to security, the same approach has been used. All security-related operations can be performed from the top menu, previously for which a user had to go to company alteration to make any alterations to secure access of data. Based on the user’s role in the company, the administrator can provide different levels of access, which are predefined in the software. This not only ensures data spillage but also gives control to who will have how much access to particular information.
Need an all-in-one accounting software solution to increase your business efficiency? We've got just what you want. Buy TallyPrime now and take your business up a notch!
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